Rug and Textile Appreciation Morning: Ikat Traditions: The Mexican Jaspe Rebozo - Hillary Steel, July 2024 talk at GW UniversityTEXTILE MUSEUM

Structure: There are many ways to construct a textile. You can fuse fibers together, loop or knot a single continuous yarn, or weave together sets of yarns. There are hundreds of variations for each approach, creating seemingly infinite opportunities to make unique designs.

An artist profile with Hillary Steel on the making of her instructional banner for the George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum featuring the techniques of weaving. Filmed by Jessica Lockoski and Pamela Kaplan.

an article by Jayne Lyons, August 15. 2015 Oaxaca de Juarez Este contenido ha sido publicado originalmente por ADNSURESTE.INFO, en la siguiente dirección: Si está pensando en usarlo, debe considerar que está protegido por la Ley. Si lo cita, diga la fuente y haga un enlace hacia la nota original de donde usted ha tomado este contenido. ADNSURESTE.INFO